Conduct a DEIA self-audit. It takes a level of humility to step back and take an honest look at your organization. For nonprofits, it can be even more challenging to acknowledge these deficits because most of us come to this work with good intentions and a desire to share our time, talents, and money to help others—how could anything be wrong with that? But even the best of intentions can be misguided or have unintended consequences. If we truly want to do good work and build a strong, sustainable organization, we must be willing to see beyond our own perspectives by creating a safe and equitable environment that includes many voices in the decision-making process.


Equity and Inclusion - The Annie E. Casey Foundation (

Racial Equity Tools | Home

Coalition of Communities of Color (

Trust-Based Philanthropy (

Asset-based-Language-Tips-3.pdf (

What Is Unconscious Bias (And How You Can Defeat It) | Psychology Today


Book Discussion Topics

  • How can your organization better implement DEIA efforts?

  • What are some examples of unconscious bias that you have encountered in yourself?

  • What are some examples of hits and misses that you have encountered in nonprofit organizations?

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Tawnia Wise